Under stairs storage

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Under stairs is a perfect place to add storage. The angle of the stairs and reduced headroom make the need for good design a must.

Drawers are a good choice at the lower part of the stairs because the headroom is restricted and space that would make a less good cupboard can make a very good drawer because of the depth available.

A high quality drawer runner is a necessity because typically you will want the drawer depth to be around 900mm. A Blum Movento drawer runner system works well here as it will support a large drawer and has a load rating of 40Kg or 60Kg if you want a really large drawer.

In the photo above you can see the customer has chosen handle-less by selecting the Blum Movento TIP-ON drawer runner system.

The material used is MDF which we primed in the factory. The customer applied a top coat of paint themselves.
